• Co-Founder

    Konstantinos Dimopoulos graduated with a Master’s in Advanced Sustainable Design at The University of Edinburgh (ECA) and a five-year integrated Architectural Engineering Master’s at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). He practiced architecture in three different countries over the last decade, getting to understand the complexity of different styles and techniques across the UK and the EU. Throughout his involvement with architecture & design, Constantinos has built up a specific interest in the integration of the computational methodologies and BIM technologies into Architecture and Construction.

  • Co-Founder

    Apostolos Jannaras graduated with a Master’s in Interdisciplinary Creative Practices from the University of Edinburgh (ECA) and an integrated Architectural Engineering Master’s from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Apart from participating in award-winning entries in architectural competitions, he has contributed in actualized projects, large and small, as an Architect and a BIM Manager. Some of these include the New Cyprus Museum, The Ellinikon Riviera Tower, the New Archaeological Museum of Sparta and various building projects in the UK, Greece and Cyprus. He is interested in cultivating methodologies and creative practices which foster productivity, innovation and outcomes with a human quality.

Our Values


We break down and organize each project in the most suitable hierarchical structure for the project. It is the same approach we have when organizing our work and presenting our proposals on deliverables.


We believe all things should be as simple as they can be but no simpler. We strive to achieve comprehensibility, and cohesion and reduce unnecessary complexity.


We have a standard of quality we have to consistently maintain and exceed. If you require something rushed and cheap then we are not a good fit.